Insightfull Coaching
You can start with a complimentary session, or a conversation about coaching to ensure the fit is right between client and coach. We can meet in person, by phone or Skype to allow for maximum flexibility.
The Coaching Process:
We’ll spend the first session discussing your goals and questions, setting the agreements we will operate within, and establishing the logistics for our next sessions.
Regular sessions occur 2-3 times per month. The real action of coaching happens in between sessions, during your daily life and work. We can have brief check ins between our sessions to capture and celebrate your accomplishments or learnings, or if you need a confidential, supportive sounding board. Over time, we will review our processes to ensure they are serving you effectively. The opportunity to redesign the coaching relationship is always available.
Coaching is all about your agenda, what you want to accomplish in our time together. I create a safe space for you, and ask a lot of questions to help you explore what you really want, and build your awareness around where you’re stuck. I offer perspective, feedback and tools to help you facilitate your forward action.
Personal Leadership Coaching
Penny supports the leader within you to deepen awareness and discovery of your personal values and dreams. Increased confidence and sharpened focus contribute to your ability to make significant and fulfilling changes in your personal life.
Executive Leadership Coaching
Penny creates a safe environment to support insight and growth. Focusing on your existing strengths and aspirations, coaching helps you discover new capacity and ability to accomplish your goals. Co-created accountability enable you to take your leadership to new heights.
Workshop Facilitation
Penny creates customized workshops to fulfill your needs.
Facilitation is conducted in an engaging, inclusive manner to promote deepened learning for all. Participants feel heard, valued and supported in the process.