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"Working with Penny was a very rewarding experience for me.  Following an in-depth review of key elements of my professional and personal life, she helped me discover those areas that required focus to grow and develop.   She challenged me to look at situations from different perspectives that assisted in making key decisions as a leader.  She helped me identify where I needed to alter my approach and attitude with positive outcomes on key relationships.   


As a leadership coach, and independent advisor, Penny assists you to realize what is holding you back, and helps you develop strategies to move you toward your goals.  She never judges, but becomes your conscience to help keep you on track.   


Penny’s expertise, methodical processes, honest assessment and professional approach truly made a difference to me, and for that, I will be forever grateful."


Lesley Cornelius

Director, Business Development & Communications


London, Ontario, Canada


"As a leadership coach, Penny asks thoughtful questions and combines her business acumen with her gifts of compassion and pragmatism. Her keen interest in helping others break through old patterns and achieve new insights is highly beneficial."


Lorraine A. Moore

Accelerate Success Group
Calgary, Canada

"Penny Clark has helped me overcome my own obstacles be it personal or career oriented. The first stepping stone was to help me understand what makes me values. Putting those in the forefront has helped me understand why and how things impact me and how I react to them. With Penny's coaching, I identified I'm standing in my own way. To conquer the "saboteur", together we found/created visual aids and slogans that resonate for me as reminders to keep me moving forward.


Since coaching with Penny, I reached some smaller goals to help balance out my wheel of life, but most remarkably is my personal goal to control my diabetes instead of it controlling me. In three months, I've improved my sugars by 75% and my overall health is benefiting as well."


Dawn Bouffard

Manager - Member Services
London, Ontario, Canada

"Penny's insightful coaching methodology has helped me in all aspects of my life.


She has a very honest sincere demeanour but at the same time can extract the most interesting complex solutions.  Penny uses humour respect and compassion at all times."



East Coast, Canada

© 2014 InsightfullCoaching

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